I’ve seen a lot of beautiful beaches.

And beautiful water…I mean crystal clear, stunningly colorful, see the sea shells on the sandy bottom, water.

I will admit that I’d love to spend all of my days looking at, sailing on, floating on, snorkeling in, paddle boarding on, or swimming in the Bahamian blue water. But life just doesn’t work like that, does it? My sensible side reminds me that I’m not Bahamian, so I can’t simply decide to live there. Hmmm…that was a tough one to swallow! The Nana in me wanted to just move right in with my grandkids-I guess you can imagine what their parents thought about that idea. So my husband and I chose to move onto our sailboat in Jacksonville, Florida, where we are very happy.

Of course, moving across the country meant leaving some great friends and family behind in the Midwest. When visitation opened up at the assisted living facility where my mom resides, we immediately headed to Nebraska. Bill and I so enjoyed our visits with mom, finally face-to-face, in these very restrictive Covid 19 times. My mom is a life-long Catholic, and a more kind person would be hard to find.

Speaking of good people, our friends Steve and Susan, opened their home to us while we were in town-such a generous example of hospitality. In 1 Peter 4:9, the apostle reminds us to be hospitable. In the book of Colossians, Paul instructs us to to put on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience,and forgiveness. I love to spend time with those kind of people-I strive everyday to be those people! In His goodness, God has sent us so many of His people to do life with.
On day three of our trip, Bill and I took our friend, Mary, sailing on a Hobie Wave at the Lake Manawa Sailing Association. The winds were calm at 7 miles per hour. We had a great time catching up and relaxing together.

The very next day we sailed with Steve and Susan. Same lake, same boat, only now in gusty 15 mile per hour winds! I mean we were screaming back and forth across the lake; waves of water soaking us through and through. Even in my face! In my mouth-eek!

But we had so much fun-laugh out loud fun! I’m blessed to recognize that beauty isn’t in the physical properties of people, places, and things, but rather, the beauty is in the people and the experiences we have with those we choose to do life with.
Bill teaching Steve to sail Susan and Angie awaiting the next gust Steve taking our lives into his own hands
As we travel back to Jacksonville, Bill and I are thankful for the beauty in our lives; beauty in all its forms.
Who are you doing life with today?