“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you”. Exodus 20:12
Hmmm…truly one of God’s Top Ten. Top five , even. I love lists-I’m convinced that I’d never get anything done if it wasn’t on a list.
What does it even mean to honor someone? Honoring someone means something like holding that person in high regard; to cherish. Sadly, ‘honor’, ‘high regard’, and ‘cherish’ aren’t words Americans tend to use in our everyday speech. I wonder why.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 reminds me that all Scripture is God-breathed and useful for training in righteousness. Ouch! ‘training in righteousness’-there’s a figure of speech I almost never think about! So, I guess Timothy is telling me that I can’t simply disregard Exodus because it seems physically or emotionally difficult.
It’s no wonder we find it so hard to honor our parents (and all people in positions of authority, by the way). But that’s the thing about Scripture, God doesn’t ask us to like it, or even to actually understand every word of it. However, as Christians, we are expected to submit to God’s authority in our lives, and to lean on the power of the Holy Spirit to give us strength when we don’t have the will.
Busyness with my career, my family, my friends, my pets, my vacations, my tv shows, my volunteer activities, my need to rest and relax. These are all great reasons not to hold placing my mother’s needs into a place of high importance. Or at least they sound like it. To me. To my selfish, deaf, human ears. But when I hold them up against God’s Word, they all fade pretty quickly. And sink in the quicksand I so often find myself stuck in.
So today, I choose to cherish my mother. I’m going to brush her hair because I know she loves it. I’m going to paint her fingernails because she has beautiful hands. I’m going to place her in a wheelchair and take her outside to see the birds, and hopefully a bunny. I’m going to sing old hymns and patriotic songs out loud with her because she loves the old songs and she remembers the words. I’m going to ask her to tell me about her parents and what it was like growing up on a farm. And I’m going to bring her ice cream because we all need ice cream.
What am I going to chose tomorrow? Well, tomorrow is not here yet, and there is that whole thing about tomorrow having troubles of it’s own…so today I will follow Jesus with a grateful heart, and I’ll leave tomorrow to itself until then.
Who are you cherishing today?