A valued member of the team. Everyone wants to be included. In Romans 12:3-6 the apostle Paul describes that, although we are different, we are all one in Jesus. We have been given different gifts (talents), and when we all come together and use our individual gifts we all benefit, and Jesus is honored.
Liberty has a rather small team, each one performing his or her function. Captain Bill is, well, the captain. (I suppose that’s fair since he actually studied for years and passed the test).

I am the First Mate (mainly because I’m married to the captain and I chose that title). We live aboard in Jacksonville, Florida.

During long passages, we might require additional help…

My daughter, Becky, designs and produces t-shirts. Wearing the shirts she designed for us reminds us that we are “on the team”, chosen, wanted, loved, and that our contributions are valued. Hmmm…that kind of sounds like what the apostle Paul was saying earlier…
Whose team are you on?
Special thanks to Becky Bagwell for her designs.