I’m sure we can all recall times in our lives when we kind of knew what we wanted, or even knew what we should do, but we held back for some reason or another. Like the time I knew I should have gotten out of the car before my brother drove onto the icy pavement and started doing spinouts “just because”. That was back in high school, of course. I think he probably still does that sort of thing-I’m just not going with him.
Living on a sailboat and cruising several months a year requires a hefty dose of all in. Sure, there are times when I still hold back (think 10 foot waves), but I’m mostly all in. I am committed to being all in, but I admit that I still fall short sometimes.
December 2022 finds us in Grand Bahama. It’s beautiful here-the water, the beaches, the weather, and the people. Getting here required my first Gulf Stream crossing. I was apprehensive, but I trust my husband’s sailing abilities, God’s providence, and, as I say, I’m all in.

I am loving it here. And it doesn’t even have anything to do with the sunny 78 degree weather here vs the -1 in Nebraska today!
On the entrance into the channel we saw locals who are clearly all in.

On our first week here I participated in karaoke, singing “Rockin Around the Christmas Tree” with my buddy boater, Michele.

And this week I upped my game a bit by writing my own Bahamian version of “The 12 Days of Christmas”, enlisting the help of 12 others, and we brought the house down. (That is if “brought the house down” means lots of laughter!)

In the grand scheme of life, these are all small things. Many years ago I made the big decision to go all in with Jesus. Now, let me tell you, that was a radical, life changing all in. Going all in with Jesus gave me the freedom to abandon my past failures, put my regrets behind me and rejoice! Can I have an amen for that? Jesus washed me of my sins and made a new creation out of the mess I had made with my life.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God who has reconciled the world to Himself, not counting men’s sins against them.” 2 Corinthians 5: 17-18
Following Jesus is a great adventure, and He’d love for you to join us. Are you all in? If not, today is the day of salvation! Please feel free to contact me or find more information about Jesus at LifeSpring.church. http://lifespring.church