The Wave

In Key West, my husband bought me this beautiful ring in celebration of our 11th wedding anniversary. I love it. The wave ring symbolizes acknowledging and navigating the ups and downs of life.

I’ve been through a tornado, as well as the ups and downs of ocean waves bigger than I like. A wave is usually caused by wind moving across the surface of the water. These waves can be gentle rolling waves. Waves can also be caused by storms. The barometric pressure changes of storms can cause large waves-think hurricanes. Underwater shifts like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions can cause massive waves-think tsunamis. And, obviously, the gravitational pull of the sun and moon causes waves associated with the normal tides.

I know that I can’t control the wind and the waves, but I can say that I know the One who does. Years ago I gave my life to Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God. The Book of Genesis records that God Himself created heaven and earth and everything and everyone in it. In fact, He formed man and woman in His own image. How do you like that? We are literally image bearers of the God of the Universe, created to have a relationship with Him! Walking alone, we have no hope of navigating the highs and lows of this world, but walking with the Savior of the world all things are possible (Mark 9:23).

Matthew 8:27 records Jesus in a boat with his disciples in the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was asleep when a storm arose. Afraid, the disciples woke Jesus, who calmed the storm with his spoken word. The men responded: “Who is this man, that even the wind and the waves obey him?”

Psalm 89:9 reads, “You rule over the surging sea. When the waves mount up, You still them.”

In John 8:12 Jesus tells us that He is the light of the world. In John 16:23 He records, “I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I’m not here to tell you that my life as a Christian is all calm seas and smooth sailing. But I am saying that my life as a believer has been a great adventure of highs and lows as I seek to follow my Savior. He has promised that He has great plans for me, plans to prosper me, not to harm me; plans for a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).” And that’s good enough for me. So, I’ll happily wear my pretty wave ring, sleep well tonight, and get up tomorrow ready for another adventure.

If you don’t yet know Jesus Christ, I’d love to talk with you about Him. He has a joyful adventure planned for your life, too! Please, contact me at

Who’s chicken?

In Key West for our anniversary week, my husband, Bill, and I stopped at Wahlburgers for lunch overlooking the Historic Seaport. The day was warm and sunny, and after a few hours strolling the Harborwalk, we needed a relaxing lunch stop with good food and cold drinks. Shady patio seating next to a fan at Wahlburgers fit the bill.

Key West chickens are protected by law in the city limits and love to hangout at Wahlburgers’ patio, as well as everywhere else in Key West. I’m actually fond of chickens. My mom grew up on a farm in Iowa and as a child I spent lots of time there with my grandparents. I have sweet memories of gathering eggs in the chicken coop with my grandma. Bill and I were entertained by the rooster and chickens milling around while we enjoyed a delicious lunch. I highly recommend the thin crispy onion rings. Bill recommends the Blackened Grouper BLT.

Evidently, this rebellious rooster likes the Blackened Grouper BLT as much or more than my husband does. I know this because…right in the middle of dinner he flew over Bill’s head (scratching the bald part just a bit), landed on our table, grabbed Bill’s sandwich and then continued on his merry way! All the while we just sat there staring at each other wondering what just happened! Well, I might have screamed a little, but really, you would have screamed too if a rooster was flying through the air within a foot of your face, carrying a sandwich! That’s just not something a person sees on a regular basis. Or is it? I guess I don’t really know. Hmm…sounds like I need to spend more time in Key West, doesn’t it? I like thin crispy onion rings, but I LOVE sleuthing out a good mystery…